10th Peptoid Summit


Berkeley Lab Guest House:

One Cyclotron Rd, Building 23

Berkeley, CA  94720


The guest house rooms have all been filled as of 7/19/17.  Please use the Hotel Shattuck Plaza!

Hotel Shattuck Plaza

2086 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA  94704


Reservation link: Hotel Shattuck reservation

In the area where it says “add code”, select the plus sign, choose down arrow and select “group attendee” and enter the code: 1708PEPTOID.  The room rate is $239 plus taxes.

Room deadline:  July 26, 2017

Hotel & accommodations: 

We have reserved blocks of rooms at a discounted rate for out of town attendees.  There are a limited number of rooms avaibale at both the LBNL Guest House and the Hotel Shattuck Plaza.  For either place, please be sure to mention you are with the “10th Peptoid Summit” to get the discounted rate.

(scroll down for Accommodations)

Technical Program

We have four exciting sessions lined up that will cover the chemistry, biology, computational and nanoscience aspects of peptoids. We have a distinguished international group of 40 speakers covering an impressive diversity of new science.  There will be a "Lightning Round" session, featuring an open mic, where any attendee can present anything they want for 3 minutes. It is a great networking opportunity and a great way to learn more about what your creative colleagues are up to.  It will be fun!  There will also be two poster sessions (slots still open), and a nice catered dinner will also be provided (included in your registration) on Thursday evening.  We encourage you to stay Friday afternoon for the Summit BBQ where scientific discussions can continue!